Movies Review : Zero,Split And Avengers Infinity Wars!!
AVENGERS INFITY WARS,ZERO AND SPLIT REVIEW :-If you are looking for the best non biased review of this latest offering from MARVEL,AVENGERS INFINITY WARS,also zero and split so you are welcome here,in this article i will give my review of Avengers Infinity Wars and other two,you will surely find it helpful and have a great time reading it.

Having a unique storyline could have been a plus point for the movie but mindless second ruins it completely and makes it an exhausting watch!First half is better! Having such a story arc the writer and the director could have done wonders but ends up total mess.Songs are just bearable.
My rating:-*1/2
Starting James Mccavoy who also plays Dr.X in X men franchise this movie have a very intriguing storyline with a person having 23 personalities.James Mccavoy performance is top notch,deserved an Oscar!!But having such a different and intriguing story director completely fails.He fails to show all the 23 characters on screen and makes the movie boring in 2nd half with dull writing and lazy cinematography.For watching one of best solo act in a movie you can ever watch go for Mccavoys performance in this one though!!
*My rating:-**1/2
Avengers: Infinity War
One of the most awaited super hero movies this is one of the best superhero movies ever made.So suspenseful and scenic it keeps you glued throughout.Josh brolins performance as Thanos is a standout.Cinematography is scenic.All actors did their job succesfully and look like a perfect fit for the role.Without any plot hole or dull moment this movie is a winner.I have watched it over 4 times.Must watch!!
*My rating:-****1/2
I hope that this article helped you to find out about Avengers Infinity Wars,Split and Zero review in a fun session of reading.Hope to see you soon!
Tags Avengers Infinity wars review,Avengers infinity war,Avengers
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