How to get inspired!!

1.Do work that pushes you to your edges.

2.Waste zero time on the past.

3.Focus on being masterful at one thing rather than focusing on too many.

4.Give more time about art.

5.Read biographies of great men.

6.20X your goals and plans.

7.Associate with game changers,titans and visionaries like Elon Musk,Jeff Bezos etc.

8.Celebrate how far you have come versus the distance still to cover.

9.Accept the project you fear the most.

10.Stop watching the news.

11.Think a decade ahead rather than a day.

12.Install a new good habit.

13.Remember that mother of a genius is simplicity.

14.Speak less and listen better.

15.Record your ideal day in a journal.

16.Forgive and thank someone.

17.Spend the first 20 mins of the day on exercise.

18.Do your nightly 3,write three good things that happened during the day.

19.Speak the truth even when your voice shakes.

20.Get good at being alone.

21.Watch the movie Searching for sugar men

22.Do meetings standing up so they end early.

23.Dont use words can't.impossible and hate.

24.Stop complaining.

25.Use social media to uplift and encourage.

26.Less TV.More reading.

27.Spend the 90 minutes of your next 90 days on single biggest opportunity.

28.Remember for one masterpiece Picasso painted thousand paintings.

29.Dont listen to naysayers

30.Live life like you mean it.


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